Get in touch with us.
Palliative Care South Australia will always attempt to respond to all calls and emails relating to the navigation of the palliative care services in South Australia.
Please fill out the enquiry form below and we will get back to you shortly.
Palliative Care Across Australia
There are various resources for Palliative Care assistance throughout Australia.
National Palliative Care
Palliative Care Australia is the peak national body for palliative care.
Its website includes information for patients, carers and health professionals, as well as contact details for the State and Territory Palliative Care Associations.
State and Territory Palliative Care
Palliative Care Associations exist in each State and Territory in Australia. Like Palliative Care SA, they are independent, not-for-profit associations. All are members of Palliative Care Australia and their details are on the Palliative Care Australia website.
Additional Contact Details
After Hours Assistance
If you need assistance outside our working hours, and if it is urgent, we advise you to contact your GP. If you are already receiving palliative care as a community patient, we suggest you call the after-hours contact numbers you have been given in case of an emergency.
If you have issues with your medications or other aspects of your care, these are best referred to your GP and other health professionals involved in your care.
We welcome your feedback and suggestions.
If you have something you would like to share with Palliative Care SA, please click on the button below to fill out a feedback form.
From time to time, complaints about the support and care provided may be received at PCSA.
As a small agency, we are not a complaint agency and will never look to get involved in people’s individual concerns
We will listen respectfully to every contact and then refer people back to the agency with whom they were receiving care and / or refer them to the Health & Community Services Complaints Commissioner.