Latest release Palliative Care Volunteering SA

April 29th 2024

E-News launches for Palliative Care Volunteering SA

READ ALL ABOUT IT – The first edition of the Palliative Care Volunteering SA project e-news has been launched this week.

You are invited to subscribe to our newest e-news for Palliative Care Volunteering SA, delivered right to your inbox through subscription.

This month learn about the people at the heart of palliative care – volunteers.

  • We feature stories of some amazing volunteers in South Australia.
  • Provide details about our events celebrating both National Palliative Care Week 19-25th May and National Volunteer Week 20-26th May.
  • Showcase a full training calendar of online education seminars that are FREE, registrations essential.
  • Provide links to our latest released resources.
  • Share volunteering role opportunities from across the state
  • And much, much more!

To never miss out, register via our webpage now for future editions of our e-news

The Palliative Care Volunteering SA project is here to champion palliative care volunteering across the state. The project is funded by SA Health as part of the Palliative Care Connect Program. Palliative Care Volunteering SA is administered by Palliative Care SA in collaboration with Volunteering SA&NT Northern Volunteering SA Inc and Southern Volunteering SA Inc.