General notes about images:

The circle images shown on these pages will be applied using a template.

Ideally, images used for Board or Staff would be 400px x 400px square jpeg or png files at a resolution of 72 dpi.

If the images are squares, you can ensure the crop of the photo includes the full face of the team member.

For more information about sizing images, please click here.

How to add or edit board and staff members

Step 1:

Go to the posts page in the backend of the website and find an existing board or team member (see green arrow)

If you want to edit existing board/staff members or replace an old board/staff member:
Skip to step 2.

If you want to create a new board/staff member:
Duplicate a team member by hovering over the name and selecting ‘Clone’ (see pink arrow).

Please note: make sure you clone an existing member from the correct category (e.g. new board member = clone existing board member and vice versa).

This will create a duplicate of the team member with ‘- Draft’ at the end of the title.

Step 2:

Find the team member you want to edit/replace or the edit new ‘-Draft’ post by clicking on their name or by hovering on their name and clicking ‘Edit’.

This will open the page to edit the team member.

For new board/staff members:

Rename the title of the page to the name of the new team member. e.g ‘Shyla Mills’ (see green arrow).

This is what will show on the Board or Staff pages.

Please ignore the pink arrow for new board/staff members.

Replacing an old board/staff member:

Rename the title of the page to the name of the new team member. e.g ‘Shyla Mills’ (see green arrow).

This is what will show on the Board or Staff pages.

You will also need to update the URL (permalink) of the page to replace the old team member. Click ‘edit’ next to the permalink then type the new team member’s name (see pink arrow). Once you click ‘Ok’ it will save the URL in the appropriate format.

Step 3:

You can now edit or replace the content of the team member.

To edit an element, hover over it and a green pop-up will show. You can then click the pencil icon to edit it (see green arrow in first image).

Edit or replace the team member’s name as a Heading 1 in the content. This will need to be the same name as the title of the page.

You can also edit or replace the role and bio of the team member in the content.

Once you have added/edited the bio section, you will need to copy and paste this into the excerpt section so it will show on the ‘Board’ or ‘Staff’ pages.

If you can’t see the excerpt section, scroll to the top of the page, and in the RH corner, select the ‘screen options’ dropdown. Then tick the checkbox next to ‘Excerpt’.

Then scroll to the ‘Excerpt’ section towards the bottom of the page (see green arrow on second image). This is where you will paste the bio of the team member.

You will also need to add the board/staff title to the ‘Custom Fields’ section. If you can’t see this, you will need to turn it on in ‘Screen Options’ like the excerpts.

Step 4:

Please note: you do not need to edit the ‘Post Image’ element next to the team member’s name on the page.

To change the team member’s image, scroll down to the featured image section on the RH side of the page (see green arrow in the first image)

Click on the image to change it. This will open the media library, you can either drag the new image into this pop-up window or you can select the ‘Upload files’ tab in the top LH corner and choose the file from your computer (see green arrow in second image).

Once you have selected the right image, click ‘set feature image’.

You can then save or publish the page and the team member will show in the grid of the ‘Board’ or ‘Staff’ page.

How to remove old board/staff members from the website

Please note:
If you are replacing an old board/staff member with a new one, please ignore this.

Step 1:

Go to the posts page in the backend of the website and find an existing board or team member you wish to remove from website.

Hover over the name of the post and select ‘Quick Edit’ (see green arrow).

Step 2:

Find the ‘Status’ drop-down and change ‘Published’ to ‘Draft’ (see green arrow).

Then click update (see pink arrow).

This will keep the team member in the backend but will remove it from the ‘Board’/’Staff’ page.