Instructions for editing users 16-06-23

Don’t edit these fields in the first section of information (above ‘Extra Profile Information’):

Instead, edit these fields under ‘Extra Profile Information’:

We have tested that emails, expiry dates, and custom user notes can be changed in this section and it will update the section above.

To update emails:
Change the ’email’ field in this section.

To update the custom user notes:
Change the ‘pcsa_admin_user_notes’ field at the bottom of the page.

To update expiries:
Put the expiry in this format: 2023-06-30 23:59:59 under the ‘expires’ field. Then save the profile, and the expiry drop-down field (in the first section) will now show again with today’s date (see screenshot with pink arrow). You can then edit this to the correct date/time (e.g. 30 June 2023 23:59) and it will now save.

You should still be able to access the orders section to take payments and update the status to ‘success’ for invoices. If you have any issues with this please let us know.