We all know about First Aid but what about Last Aid?

Wednesday 15th May 2024

Last Aid is a 4-hour international standardised introductory level community training program.

This course was launched in South Australia this week at the Clare Country Club. This event was funded by Country SA PHN, FREE for people living or working in regional South Australia.

The attendees received on completion of the course the training to be considered a Last Aider.

The way we care for our dying reflects the humanity and compassion of our society. Through training we can create resilience, understanding and capacity within our community, helping us care for our loved ones, families and friends.

We believe that just as every organisation needs a First Aider, we all need a Last Aider, because dying, death and grief are universal.

The course is for all members of the community, and there is no requirement for training or experience within the health of palliative care space to attend. While not directly targeted to health professionals, we welcome the attendance of everyone interested in these areas.

The topics covered include – Dying as a normal part of life / planning ahead / relieving suffering and final goodbyes.

Complimentary tea and coffee, along with a light meal, will be available on the day for all ticket holders.

The next event will be hosted during National Palliative Care Week at Victor Harbour, this is also a free event but registrations are essential, please visit