Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the Organisational/Corporate membership level.

Please note, our membership billing period ends on the 30th of June. Renewal reminders will be emailed from 1 June.

Once approved by PCSA, you will receive a welcome email with instructions on how to assign your 10 FREE 'Individual - Organisation Affiliate' members.

The price for membership is $330.00 now.

Membership expires on June 30, 2025.

Do you have a discount code?

Account Information

Hint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).
Already have an account? Log in here

Make a Gift

Make a donation to support our charity Palliative Care SA

Organisation/Corporate Account Information - What to do

Please note what details you should include in your account information above.

Please use an abbreviation of your Organisation or your Organisation name combined with no spaces as the username. e.g. PCSA or PalliativeCareSA

Please use a generic email for you organisation e.g. that you will have access to for updates about your membership account.
You can elect a key contact person's details later in the form.

Organisation Details

(if applicable)

Please enter the URL for your organisation's profile

Please enter the URL for your organisation's profile

Please enter the URL for your organisation's profile

Please enter the URL for your organisation's profile

Please use 100 words or less - this can be your company bio.

Organisation Key Contact Details

Please elect one key contact for your organisation. (Note this person is a contact and not automatically an individual member - you may choose to give them one of your 10 allocated individual memberships)

Organisation - Further Information


Please tell us the service/s your organisation offers in relation to palliative care

How did you hear about PCSA?

Terms & Conditions

Please note, membership will require approval - this can take up to 2 weeks.