Patient & Families Resource List

A list of resources useful for patients or families looking for Palliative Care support.

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Please refer to the list below of support resources.

Advance Care Planning

Advance Care Directives SA

This South Australian Government site provides downloadable forms and DIY kits to complete an Advanced Care Directive (ACD), plus additional information about ACDs in South Australia.

Advance Care Planning Australia

Advance Care Planning Australia is a national program that provides information and resources to individuals, care workers and healthcare professionals about planning for end-of-life.

Learning: Advance Care Planning Australia

Online and face to face courses provided by Advance Care Planning Australia designed to support aged care workers, health professionals and the general public to learn more about advance care planning.

Planning Ahead

Dementia Australia, provides background information to advanced care planning as well as helpful guides and other resources.

Dying to talk

Dying to Talk aims to reach into the community to normalise early conversations about the end of life, rather than waiting until more time critical or medical focused discussions need to occur. The resources have been developed to help Australians work out what’s right for them if they were very sick or at the end of their lives.

Paediatric Palliative Care

This website provides practical information about paediatric palliative care to families who have a child with a life-limiting illness, as well as the people who support them.


This website provides practical information about the Health End of Life Project. An easier way to ask for, offer and accept help. One central place to organise, plan and connect.


Palliative Caring Booklet

This booklet contains information for families and carers who are caring for an older person with a life-limiting illness in South Australia.


CareSearch is a website that offers pages written specifically for patients, family members and others in the community who need to know more about palliative care. These pages include links to other quality web resources and provide information on state and national services and organisations. CareSearch is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.



Caring for someone at the end of their life is a very important role. People who do this help the person they care for and that person’s family and friends. They also help the community by reducing the pressure on our health care system. CarerHelp has resources to support people caring for someone approaching the end of their life.

Australian Indigenous Health Network (Palliative Care)

This site provides information, resources and links to organisations which are relevant to the end-of-life care of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It includes information on culturally appropriate palliative care, as well as cultural perspectives on dying, death, grief and sorry business in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Gather My Crew

A free resource for palliative patients or carers to activate a ‘support crew’ to help ease their workload. An online platform where tasks or activities can be requested so friends and family are able to assist.

Office of the Public Advocate SA

The Office of the Public Advocate (OPA) exists to promote the rights and interests of people who may need assistance with decision making. The OPA is also the first contact for any dispute regarding ACDs in SA.

Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner South Australia (HCSCC)

For complaints about provision of palliative care or regarding non-compliance with ACDs.